An agunah (plural: agunot) is a woman trapped in a marriage against her will because her husband refuses to grant a “get” (halachic bill of divorce). In the face of an unacceptable status quo, how are we responding on halachic, communal and legal levels? Chochmat Nashim is agitating for change, educating the community, sparking dialogue and actively implementing solutions.

Every year, Chochmat Nashim runs an Agunah Day campaign to reframe the public conversation. We advocate for the widespread use of halachic prenuptial and postnuptial agreements to prevent agunot. We partner with leading women’s advocacy organizations and leverage our connections in the Knesset, courts and community leadership. We stay abreast of the latest developments on the agunah front to contextualize and understand the avenues most effective for progress, and then present this information to you.

From silenced to heard. From erased to seen. Chochmat Nashim builds a healthy community together with you. Donate to our annual campaign here