Would Moses meet with the 5 daughters of Tzelofchad today? (Pinchas)-by Chana Tannenbaum

Throughout the ages it has been accepted to retell Torah stories in the language of the times, Think Tzena u-Rena, the Yiddish accounts of biblical narratives. Here is my retelling of the daughters of Tzelofchad, for 2019.

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Milkah: Hey girls, we have a problem — with our father gone, with no brothers who is going to inherit our father’s portion of the land of Israel?

Tirzah: Let’s go speak to Moses.

Hoglah: Great idea.

Noah: Um, girls, we have a problem. Moses’ yeshiva is on that street with the huge sign, “No women on this sidewalk.”

Milkah: What if we wear our burkas?

Machlah: I think I know a back way in. It’s over a fence, but we can climb it and then go through two garbage dumps. Follow me!

Read the full article on The Times of Israel

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