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After two months of lockdown, we’re finally talking about the impact of quarantine – specifically, on religious life, from belief to prayer to mikveh, and everything in between. Rachel, Anne, and Shoshanna discuss how differently people (including rabbis) respond to religious need, and whether that will make lasting change in the community (including and in addition to “women’s issues”).

What does one wear to the world’s first women’s Siyum HaShas event?

The question I posed on social media was a joke, a play on the idea of worrying about surface appearances at any event celebrating women’s achievements. But it also wasn’t a joke. What does one wear to the first major celebration of women’s achievements in Talmud learning, a “before and after” moment that will affect our community for ages to come?

A Siyum HaShas celebrates the conclusion of a cycle of Daf Yomi — literally a daily page — of Talmud, which was instituted in 1923 by Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin and brings lomdim (those who study) through the entire Talmud in 7 years and 5 months.

It is true that completing a page of Talmud a day does not a Torah scholar make. And it is true that we are blessed with female Torah scholars whose knowledge of the Talmud, halacha and other areas of Jewish learning is deep and well beyond a daf a day. Yet, Daf Yomi and the Siyum HaShas has always been nearly an exclusively male experience. An event in Jerusalem marking women’s completion en masse is simply unprecedented.

In response to my question of what to wear, one person responded: Not a wig!

But in fact, as we stood in line with hundreds of other women (and some men) in the frigid Jerusalem air on Sunday, we saw wigs, falls, hats, scarves, berets and some with no head coverings at all. The event didn’t belong to any one segment or denomination of women — it belonged to us all.

Through chattering teeth, women discussed things they had cancelled, ignored or asked their husbands to deal with so that they could attend the event. The atmosphere among the attendees was one of excitement and anticipation; we were taking part in a seminal event for women and the entire Jewish community.

As an activist for women in Orthodoxy, I’m often witness to where women are excluded, sidelined and shut out. I know women harmed by the system, treated horribly by those meant to aid them, and I regularly see women erased. Being here, where women carved a space for themselves, created a platform and taught and learned Talmud, was perhaps more gratifying to me than most. Here, I was seeing the future, the way things could be, the way things should be.

Women well into their eighties joined babies, teenagers and over 1,100 midrasha (gap year yeshivot for young women) students who were there to witness their teachers and friends celebrate their achievements. About 150 men joined as well, knowing that learning Torah is always something to celebrate.

When Rabbanit Michelle Farber, who has taught a daily Daf Yomi class for women for the past 7-plus years, took the stage, a roaring standing ovation filled the hall. Farber had done something no other woman in history had done, and with her, she brought thousands upon thousands of women and men across the Jewish world along for the ride.

Every female scholar that took the stage or was shown in a video clip was met with cheering generally reserved for rock stars, mainly led by the hundreds of teenagers in the balcony.

Tears fell from my eyes as I realized that far from screaming for Justin Bieber, these young women were cheering in awe off their female role models — the women who taught them that the Torah is theirs and that they can achieve, embrace and own Torah scholarship.

Rabbanit Esti Rosenberg began her remarks by thanking her father, Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, of blessed memory, and her grandfather Rabbi Joseph B. Solovetchik, of blessed memory, for opening the doors for women’s learning.

“When my father and grandfather opened up Torah to women, I don’t think it was so much because of what they thought about women, but about what they thought about Torah. They couldn’t imagine life without it.”

The lone man to take the stage was Rav Benny Lau, and Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks sent in a video of congratulations. The rest of the evening featured a veritable who’s who of female Torah scholars, and each was greeted with thunderous cheers and applause.

While celebrating, there was no talk of equality, status, leadership or titles. The featured speakers didn’t talk about leadership — they modeled it. Every speaker was impressive, each one a role model.

When I congratulated Rabbanit Farber, I asked her if she understood that she has changed the world for women and girls in Torah learning. She told me that it hadn’t sunk in yet.

Perhaps from her view on stage, she couldn’t see the reactions of the audience, the tears in the eyes of the women who for so long had felt so left out. Perhaps she couldn’t distinguish the younger girls cheering for each scholar among the roars of the audience. And clearly, she couldn’t see our hearts bursting with pride. I hope that she reads the posts, the articles and the messages that have flooded social media.

From them, it’s clear to see that the event showed the world that women’s scholarship is real and adds immensely to the Jewish world.

As we left the hall, the young women streamed down from the balcony into the stairwell and broke out into spontaneous singing and dancing on the landing. They danced for Torah, they danced for the women who achieved and they danced for themselves — for the bright and open future they now face.

As more and more women master Torah and halacha, the problems we face will be addressed differently. For while learning Torah should always be about learning Torah, it must also be about improving our community.

What should one wear to the women’s Siyum HaShas? The crown of Torah, of course.

In preparation for this day of Shavuot, when the Jewish people received the Torah at Sinai, we’re raising some discussion points about the meaning and practices of the day. Add your voice to the conversation — we’d love to hear what you have to say.

  1. Most people count down to a milestone: “3 more days of school; 2 more days of school, etc.” But Shavuot comes at the end of counting 49 days, in 7 weeks. Shavuot is the 50th day “of the Omer,” as it were. What does it mean to count up instead of counting down?
  2. The hero of Megillat Ruth is a non-Jewish heroine — Ruth, the Moabitess. What does it mean to you that this woman is a central figure on the day that commemorates the Jewish people receiving the Torah?
  3. What does Ruth’s statement of conversion mean to you: “…Where you go,  I shall go; and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God my God…”
  4. Shavuot has become known as the holiday of cheesecake. What place does “dairy” have in yom tov meals, when Jewish law stipulates that joy is to be found specifically in wine and meat? (אין שמחה אלא בבשר ויין)
  5. The Temple offering of Shavuot is a grain-offering, known as: “Shtei Halechem.” It is the only mitzvah specific to Shavuot. The holiday that celebrates receiving 613 mitzvot has none. Why?
  6. Jeopardy Round on Naomi:
    • These were the names of Naomi’s daughters-in-law
    • These were the names of Naomi’s sons
    • This drove Naomi and her husband to leave the Land of Israel for Moav.
    • This is how Naomi felt when she returned to the Land of Israel.
  7. There’s a tradition of decorating the home and synagogue with greenery (and flowers) for Shavuot, which seems to go beyond beautifying the environment. Why might greenery/flowers be particularly appropriate for on Shavuot?
  8. What does receiving the Torah mean to you?
  9. If you had stood at Sinai, would you have been glad to receive the Torah? (why/why not)
  10. If you had stood at the crossroads with Naomi, would you have gone home or gone with her?
  11. In your estimation, what really happened on the threshing floor?
  12. If you think the Torah we received today is not the same as the Torah that was given at Sinai, is that for the better or the worse? If for the better, how so? If for the worse, what went wrong?
  13. Values clarification: Rank the Ten Commandments in the order that they matter to you. Alternatively, purely hypothetically speaking, of course, rank them in the order that you’d eliminate them, if circumstances conspired to prevent you from keeping aall of them.
  14. One side of the mitzvot listed in Aseret HaDibrot are traditionally understood to be “between man and God,” and the other side to be “between man and man.” Categorize these 10 in other ways. What new insights do you gain from the reshuffle?
  15. There’s a midrash that God held Mt. Sinai over the heads of Bnei Yisrael like a barrel (הר כגיגית), essentially forcing them to accept the Torah. Does that mean God was a bully (at least in the midrash)? If so, doesn’t that mean there was no “consent” on the part of Bnei Yisrael? In which case, how can this be a day to celebrate?
  16. Two million people stood at Sinai — 600,000 men, plus all the women and children. And tradition says all Jewish souls ever were there too (see Mayim Bialik on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert). Assuming you don’t actually remember the event, how do you make that experience of Sinai your own?


Chag sameach!


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